Posted tagged ‘DUI’

Red Panties: Where football, politics and women intersect

July 3, 2010

The dogs are alive and well in Georgia. The athletic director at the University of Georgia was caught in a Clinton-like situation recently, only he’s not Bill and he’s definitely not the President, both of which being helpful attributes if you happen to get pulled over for drunk driving with a woman who is not your wife in the front seat and her red panties in your lap. He explained the panties by saying “She took them off and I held them because I was just trying to get her home.” While that makes no sense whatsoever it must have seemed plausible to Mr. Evans in the moment so we should just go with it.

One might be tempted to wonder how something this stupid could even happen but it happens with such regularity that, on the contrary, it’s come to be expected of our gender.